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35th annual CMH Foundation Medical Excellence Golf Classic scheduled for June 5

35th annual CMH Foundation Medical Excellence Golf Classic scheduled for June 5

The 35th annual Citizens Memorial Health Care Foundation Medical Excellence Golf Classic, presented by SGC Foodservice, is set for Thursday, June 5. The event will be held at Silo Ridge Golf and Country Club in Bolivar.

The classic is an 18-hole, four-person scramble aimed at raising funds for the Medical Excellence Scholarship. This scholarship offers financial assistance to individuals from CMH’s eight-county service area pursuing careers in health care. Upon completion of their education, recipients return to work at CMH. The fund has provided nearly $3 million in assistance to over 400 students.

The tournament will feature two shotgun starts at 8 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Each player will receive a gift bag, grab-and-go breakfast, lunch, snacks, range balls and complimentary Coca-Cola products. Green fees and cart rentals are included in the entry fee and players will be entered into course contests. Mulligans are available at $40 per team.

Various sponsorship levels are available for the tournament. 

  • Friend of CMH Sponsor $2,500 - One foursome, mulligans (1 per player), company logo added to the player gift bag, one road banner, two hole sponsorships, one elite gift package, social media, advertising and program.
  • Closest to the Pin Sponsor $1,250 - One foursome, sign on all “Closest to the Pin” holes, one road banner, social media, advertising and program.
  • Team+Hole Sign Sponsor $800 - One foursome, hole sign, social media, advertising and program.
  • Foursome $600 – Team only.
  • Hole Sponsor $250– Sign at the tee box, social media, advertising and program.

To donate or register a team, contact Tara Akins, director of community relations and development, at 417-328-6318 or register online at

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