CMH Auxiliary and Volunteer Program
Hospital's information desk
Physical therapy department
Outpatient clinics
Medical records
Medical-surgical unit
Long-term and residential care facilities
New hospital beds
New bus for the CMH transportation system
Electric doors for the hospital
Blanket warmers
Granite park benches
Speaker systems
- A new vehicle for Home Medical Equipment
Many other needed items
How to Become a Volunteer
Becoming a volunteer with CMH is easy, and you will reap many benefits from your volunteer service. Just follow these easy steps:
- Fill out an application (PDF)
- Make an appointment for a brief meeting with the Director of Volunteers
- Attend volunteer orientation/education class
- Join the Auxiliary
- Obtain a TB skin test
- Become a volunteer!
More Information about Volunteering
- Flexible schedule
- Meet new people and make new friends
- Increased satisfaction in your social life
- Feel needed
- Provide community service
- Care for people in need
- Many benefits from CMH
- Recognition as an important part of Citizens Memorial Hospital and our communities
- Research shows that volunteers live longer, healthier lives!
Many areas and departments throughout the CMH organization use volunteers. Here are a few volunteer options:
- Information Desk at the Hospital and Douglas Medical Center
- “The Gift Garden” gift shop
- “POP” — Pamper our Patients courtesy cart
- Host or hostess for the Tremain Family Hospitality House
- Information & Library at the Carrie J. Babb Cancer Center
- Shredding services
- Knitting baby caps for newborns
- Many duties with long-term care residents — bingo, nail polishing, distributing treats, reading, singing, outings outside the facilities, etc.
- Clerical duties
- Helping hospice patients and families
- Helping with fundraising events
- And many more
To show appreciation for volunteers, Citizens Memorial Hospital provides the following volunteer benefits:
- Annual appreciation luncheon and gift
- Auxiliary quarterly brunch and meeting
- Awards — service pins with hour guards
- Free uniform and name badge
- Free coffee and tea while on duty
- $6.50 toward your meal while on duty
- Annual hospital picnic in the summer
- Free TB skin testing
- Free flu vaccination in the fall
- The annual presentation of the Lillian Hutcheson Award
Citizens Memorial’s award-winning auxiliary program began with a handful of volunteers in 1982. It has grown to more than 300 auxiliary members who actively volunteer at all CMH locations.
More than 1,000 auxiliary members have served CMH since 1982.
The CMH Auxiliary has twice received a first-place plaque as the No. 1 small-hospital auxiliary in Missouri. The award honors their exceptional spirit and hard work.
The founder of the CMH Auxiliary, Lillian Hutcheson, led the program before CMH opened in 1982 until retiring in 2001. In honor of her leadership and dedication, CMH annually presents an award in her name to an outstanding volunteer.