CMH Topping Out Ceremony is Feb. 14
Citizens Memorial Hospital is hosting a Topping Out Ceremony at 3 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14, at the hospital construction entrance on North Butterfield Road, Bolivar.
A topping out ceremony marks a significant milestone in construction, celebrating the placement of the final or highest steel beam. This tradition, which dates back more than 1,000 years, symbolizes progress and good fortune for the building’s future.
At CMH, the beam will be adorned with a small evergreen tree and an American flag before being lifted into place, representing wishes for the building’s strength, longevity and success. The ceremony is also an opportunity to recognize and thank those who have worked on the hospital expansion project and to commemorate this key milestone.
Attendees should park in the lots adjacent to the CMH Dermatology Clinic and Butterfield Park Professional Building on North Butterfield Road and walk to the construction site entrance. Signs will indicate where to gather for the brief ceremony.
Sign the beam
Employees, volunteers, retirees and community members are invited to leave their mark by signing the steel beam in the hospital lobby through 7 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 12. The signed beam will then be placed during the Topping Out Ceremony Feb. 14.
Learn more about the hospital expansion and construction progress.