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CMH awards two TULIP Awards in April 2024

Citizens Memorial Hospital/Citizens Memorial Health Care Foundation presented two TULIP Awards for April 2024. The awards went to Shannon Gronniger, an environmental services technician at Colonial Springs Healthcare Center in Buffalo, Missouri, and Heath Southwick, a patient care technician in CMH’s Emergency Department in Bolivar.

“We usually give out one TULIP award each month, but the TULIP committee agreed that both CMH employees were deserving,” said Sarah Hanak, chief nursing officer and chair of the awards committee.

The daughter of a patient nominated Gronniger for the award.

“My dad was a patient of Colonial Springs for almost seven years. Shannon may be housekeeping, but she has so much compassion and heart for the residents she cares for. She takes it upon herself to have parties for the residents on different occasions and often pays for supplies out of her own pocket. I have offered her assistance over the years to help, and she has refused my assistance. I never worried about my dad as long as Shannon was on duty, as I knew she loved and cared for my dad as if he were her own family. I am thankful for people like Shannon who go out of their way to advocate for the residents and to have relationships with the families of the residents in her care. She is truly an angel on earth and Colonial Springs is lucky to have her.”

Southwick’s co-worker nominated him for the TULIP Award.

“We had a patient present for leg swelling. He and his wife were…living in their car for weeks. The patient had swollen and very soiled feet. I was concerned for the skin integrity because he had been wearing Crocs that were tight and quite soiled and it looked like the patient had blisters. I asked Heath to wash the patient's feet and shoes…Heath accepted my request and provided kind and compassionate care to the patient without complaint to me. It was very helpful in fully assessing the patient's skin. Heath regularly provides efficient and compassionate care and is a strong team member. He cares not only for patients but also for the whole care team by doing his part and more. He has a positive attitude and is a willing and quick learner. I am thankful for his help and proud to work alongside him in the care of our patients.”

About the TULIP Award

Citizens Memorial Hospital/Citizens Memorial Health Care Foundation established the TULIP Award in June 2021 to recognize outstanding caregivers who provide direct patient care. TULIP stands for Thoughtful, Unforgettable, Lasting Impact on Patient Care. The award committee selects a recipient each month.

The TULIP Award is given in conjunction with the DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing. Nominate a patient caregiver for the CMH TULIP Award at

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