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Tony Rankin joins CMH Hospice chaplain team

Tony Rankin has joined the Citizens Memorial Hospice chaplain team with Austin McCrickard. CMH Hospice chaplains are members of the care team and provide spiritual and emotional support for hospice patients and their families.

“We are happy to have Tony join our team,” said Valerie Noblitt, director of CMH Home Care Services. “He has a desire to serve people and help them in their time of need. He will be an asset to our patients.”

“I was excited to apply for the part-time chaplain position with CMH Hospice,” said Rankin. “I have been training since May and am excited to be an effective part of this fantastic team. I am looking forward to ministering to all patients who are seeking spiritual guidance and counsel. I hope to honor God while bringing comfort to patients and their families and upholding CMH's core values.”

Rankin earned a Bachelor of Science in recreation and education from Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Texas, and taught public school for 21 years. After his first five years of teaching, Rankin enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, serving from 1989-1993, including service in the Gulf War and Desert Storm. Several years after his return to education, Rankin pursued a full-time career in preaching. He later earned a Bachelor of Arts in theology from Bear Valley Bible Institute in Denver and served in full-time pastoral ministry.

CMH Hospice serves Cedar, Dade, Dallas, northern Greene, Hickory, Polk and St. Clair counties. For more information about CMH Hospice and the chaplain team, call 417-326-3585.

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